configs  objc.vim at [cb30f18013]

File vim/syntax/objc.vim artifact d13202608a part of check-in cb30f18013

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	    Objective C
" Maintainer:	    Kazunobu Kuriyama <>
" Ex-maintainer:    Anthony Hodsdon <>
" First Author:	    Valentino Kyriakides <>
" Last Change:	    2007 Feb 21

" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

if &filetype != 'objcpp'
  " Read the C syntax to start with
  if version < 600
    source <sfile>:p:h/c.vim
    runtime! syntax/c.vim

" Objective C extentions follow below
" NOTE: Objective C is abbreviated to ObjC/objc
" and uses *.h, *.m as file extensions!

" ObjC keywords, types, type qualifiers etc.
syn keyword objcStatement	self super _cmd
syn keyword objcType		id Class SEL IMP BOOL nonnull nullable
syn keyword objcTypeModifier	bycopy in out inout oneway OF_GENERIC OF_INLINE
syn keyword objcTypeModifier	OF_CONST_FUNC OF_NO_RETURN
syn keyword objcTypeModifier	_Nonnull _Nullable _Null_unspecified __kindof
syn keyword objcConstant	nil Nil

" Match the ObjC #import directive (like C's #include)
syn region objcImported display contained start=+"+  skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+
syn match  objcImported display contained "<[-_0-9a-zA-Z.\/]*>"
syn match  objcImport display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*import\>\s*["<]" contains=objcImported

" Match the important ObjC directives
syn match  objcScopeDecl    "@public\|@private\|@protected"
syn match  objcDirective    "@interface\|@implementation"
syn match  objcDirective    "@class\|@end\|@defs"
syn match  objcDirective    "@encode\|@protocol\|@selector"
syn match  objcDirective    "@try\|@catch\|@finally\|@throw\|@synchronized"

" Match the ObjC method types
" NOTE: here I match only the indicators, this looks
" much nicer and reduces cluttering color highlightings.
" However, if you prefer full method declaration matching
" append .* at the end of the next two patterns!
syn match objcInstMethod    "^\s*-\s*"
syn match objcFactMethod    "^\s*+\s*"

" To distinguish from a header inclusion from a protocol list.
syn match objcProtocol display "<[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*>" contains=objcType,cType,Type

" To distinguish labels from the keyword for a method's parameter.
syn region objcKeyForMethodParam display
    \ start="^\s*[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\s*:\s*("
    \ end=")\s*[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*"
    \ contains=objcType,objcTypeModifier,cType,cStructure,cStorageClass,Type

" Objective-C Constant Strings
syn match objcSpecial display "%@" contained
syn region objcString start=+\(@"\|"\)+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=cFormat,cSpecial,objcSpecial

" Objective-C Message Expressions
syn region objcMessage display start="\[" end="\]" contains=objcMessage,objcStatement,objcType,objcTypeModifier,objcString,objcConstant,objcDirective,cType,cStructure,cStorageClass,cString,cCharacter,cSpecialCharacter,cNumbers,cConstant,cOperator,cComment,cCommentL,Type

syn cluster cParenGroup add=objcMessage
syn cluster cPreProcGroup add=objcMessage

" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_objc_syntax_inits")
  if version < 508
    let did_objc_syntax_inits = 1
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

  HiLink objcImport		Include
  HiLink objcImported		cString
  HiLink objcTypeModifier	objcType
  HiLink objcType		Type
  HiLink objcScopeDecl		Statement
  HiLink objcInstMethod		Function
  HiLink objcFactMethod		Function
  HiLink objcStatement		Statement
  HiLink objcDirective		Statement
  HiLink objcKeyForMethodParam	None
  HiLink objcString		cString
  HiLink objcSpecial		Special
  HiLink objcProtocol		None
  HiLink objcConstant		cConstant

  delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "objc"

" vim: ts=8
" Author:       Michael Sanders (msanders42 [at] gmail [dot] com)
"		Some modifications by Jonathan Schleifer <>
" Description:  Better syntax highlighting for Objective-C files (part of the
"               cocoa.vim plugin).
" Last Updated: May 3, 2015

syn match objcDirective '@synthesize\|@property\|@optional\|@required\|@autoreleasepool' display
syn keyword objcType IBOutlet IBAction Method __block instancetype
syn keyword objcType __unsafe_unretained __bridge __bridge_retained __bridge_transfer __autoreleasing __strong __weak
syn keyword objcType of_unichar_t of_char16_t of_char32_t of_comparison_result_t
syn keyword objcType of_byte_order_t of_range_t of_point_t of_dimension_t
syn keyword objcType of_mutex_t of_rmutex_t of_rectangle_t of_string_encoding_t
syn keyword objcType of_time_interval_t of_resolver_result_t
syn keyword objcType of_udp_socket_address_t of_offset_t of_stat_t of_socket_t
syn keyword objcType of_spinlock_t of_options_parser_option_t
syn keyword objcType of_http_request_method_t of_http_request_protocol_version_t
syn keyword objcConstant YES NO TRUE FALSE

syn region objcImp start='@implementation' end='@end' transparent
syn region objcHeader start='@interface' end='@end' transparent

syn match objcSubclass '\(@implementation\|@interface\)\@<=\s*\k\+' display contained containedin=objcImp,objcHeader
syn match objcSuperclass '\(@\(implementation\|interface\)\s*\k\+\s*:\)\@<=\s*\k*' display contained containedin=objcImp,objcHeader

" Matches "bar" in "[NSObject bar]" or "bar" in "[[NSObject foo: baz] bar]",
" but NOT "bar" in "[NSObject foo: bar]".
syn match objcMessageName '\%#=1\(\[\s*\k\+\s\+\|\]\s*\)\@<=\k*\s*\]'me=e-1 display contained containedin=objcMessage
" Matches "foo:" in "[NSObject foo: bar]" or "[[NSObject new] foo: bar]"
syn match objcMessageColon '\(\_\S\+\_\s\+\)\@<=\k\+\s*:' display contained containedin=objcMessage
" Matches "foo:" in above
syn match objcMessageArg ')\@<=\s*\k\+' contained containedin=objcMessage

" Don't match these in this strange group for edge cases...
syn cluster cMultiGroup add=objcMessageColon,objcMessageName

hi link objcMessageArg Identifier

hi link objcMessageName objcMessageArg
hi link objcMessageColon objcMessageName
hi link objcMessageReceiver Special

hi link objcSubclass objcMethodName
hi link objcSuperclass String

hi link objcError Error