ADDED vim/ftplugin/fish.vim Index: vim/ftplugin/fish.vim ================================================================== --- vim/ftplugin/fish.vim +++ vim/ftplugin/fish.vim @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +setlocal comments=:# +setlocal commentstring=#%s +setlocal define=\\v^\\s*function> +setlocal foldexpr=fish#Fold() +setlocal formatoptions+=ron1 +setlocal formatoptions-=t +setlocal include=\\v^\\s*\\.> +setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,-,_,.,/ +setlocal suffixesadd^ + +" Use the 'j' format option when available. +if v:version ># 703 || v:version ==# 703 && has('patch541') + setlocal formatoptions+=j +endif + +if executable('fish_indent') + setlocal formatexpr=fish#Format() +endif + +if executable('fish') + setlocal omnifunc=fish#Complete + for s:path in split(system("fish -c 'echo $fish_function_path'")) + execute 'setlocal path+='.s:path + endfor +else + setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete +endif + +" Use the 'man' wrapper function in fish to include fish's man pages. +" Have to use a script for this; 'fish -c man' would make the the man page an +" argument to fish instead of man. +execute 'setlocal keywordprg=fish\ '.fnameescape(expand(':p:h:h').'/bin/') + +let b:match_words = + \ escape('<%(begin|function|if|switch|while|for)>:', '<>%|)') + +let b:endwise_addition = 'end' +let b:endwise_words = 'begin,function,if,switch,while,for' +let b:endwise_syngroups = 'fishKeyword,fishConditional,fishRepeat'