/* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, Jonathan Schleifer * * https://webkeks.org/git/?p=objirc.git * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define IRC_CONNECTION_M #include #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "IRCConnection.h" #import "IRCUser.h" #import "IRCChannel.h" @implementation IRCConnection - init { self = [super init]; @try { channels = [[OFMutableDictionary alloc] init]; port = 6667; } @catch (id e) { [self release]; @throw e; } return self; } - (void)setServer: (OFString*)server_ { OF_SETTER(server, server_, YES, YES) } - (OFString*)server { OF_GETTER(server, YES) } - (void)setPort: (uint16_t)port_ { port = port_; } - (uint16_t)port { return port; } - (void)setNickname: (OFString*)nickname_ { OF_SETTER(nickname, nickname_, YES, YES) } - (OFString*)nickname { OF_GETTER(nickname, YES) } - (void)setUsername: (OFString*)username_ { OF_SETTER(username, username_, YES, YES) } - (OFString*)username { OF_GETTER(username, YES) } - (void)setRealname: (OFString*)realname_ { OF_SETTER(realname, realname_, YES, YES) } - (OFString*)realname { OF_GETTER(realname, YES) } - (void)setDelegate: (id )delegate_ { delegate = delegate_; } - (id )delegate { return delegate; } - (OFTCPSocket*)socket { OF_GETTER(sock, YES) } - (void)connect { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; sock = [[OFTCPSocket alloc] init]; [sock connectToHost: server port: port]; [self sendLineWithFormat: @"NICK %@", nickname]; [self sendLineWithFormat: @"USER %@ * 0 :%@", username, realname]; [pool release]; } - (void)disconnect { [self disconnectWithReason: nil]; } - (void)disconnectWithReason: (OFString*)reason { if (reason == nil) [self sendLine: @"QUIT"]; else [self sendLineWithFormat: @"QUIT :%@", reason]; } - (void)joinChannel: (OFString*)channelName { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"JOIN %@", channelName]; } - (void)leaveChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { [self leaveChannel: channel withReason: nil]; } - (void)leaveChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel withReason: (OFString*)reason { if (reason == nil) [self sendLineWithFormat: @"PART %@", [channel name]]; else [self sendLineWithFormat: @"PART %@ :%@", [channel name], reason]; [channels removeObjectForKey: [channel name]]; } - (void)sendLine: (OFString*)line { [delegate connection: self didSendLine: line]; [sock writeLine: line]; } - (void)sendLineWithFormat: (OFConstantString*)format, ... { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; OFString *line; va_list args; va_start(args, format); line = [[[OFString alloc] initWithFormat: format arguments: args] autorelease]; va_end(args); [self sendLine: line]; [pool release]; } - (void)sendMessage: (OFString*)msg toChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"PRIVMSG %@ :%@", [channel name], msg]; } - (void)sendMessage: (OFString*)msg toUser: (OFString*)user { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"PRIVMSG %@ :%@", user, msg]; } - (void)sendNotice: (OFString*)notice toUser: (OFString*)user { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"NOTICE %@ :%@", user, notice]; } - (void)sendNotice: (OFString*)notice toChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"NOTICE %@ :%@", [channel name], notice]; } - (void)kickUser: (OFString*)user fromChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel withReason: (OFString*)reason { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"KICK %@ %@ :%@", [channel name], user, reason]; } - (void)changeNicknameTo: (OFString*)nickname_ { [self sendLineWithFormat: @"NICK %@", nickname_]; } - (void)IRC_processLine: (OFString*)line { OFArray *components; OFString *action = nil; [delegate connection: self didReceiveLine: line]; components = [line componentsSeparatedByString: @" "]; /* PING */ if ([components count] == 2 && [[components firstObject] isEqual: @"PING"]) { OFMutableString *s = [[line mutableCopy] autorelease]; [s replaceOccurrencesOfString: @"PING" withString: @"PONG"]; [self sendLine: s]; return; } action = [[components objectAtIndex: 1] uppercaseString]; /* Connected */ if ([action isEqual: @"001"] && [components count] >= 4) { [delegate connectionWasEstablished: self]; return; } /* JOIN */ if ([action isEqual: @"JOIN"] && [components count] == 3) { OFString *who = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; OFString *where = [components objectAtIndex: 2]; IRCUser *user; IRCChannel *channel; who = [who substringWithRange: of_range(1, [who length] - 1)]; user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: who]; if ([who hasPrefix: [nickname stringByAppendingString: @"!"]]) { channel = [IRCChannel channelWithName: where]; [channels setObject: channel forKey: where]; } else channel = [channels objectForKey: where]; [channel IRC_addUser: [user nickname]]; [delegate connection: self didSeeUser: user joinChannel: channel]; return; } /* NAMES reply */ if ([action isEqual: @"353"] && [components count] >= 6) { IRCChannel *channel; OFArray *users; size_t pos; OFEnumerator *enumerator; OFString *user; channel = [channels objectForKey: [components objectAtIndex: 4]]; if (channel == nil) { /* We did not request that */ return; } pos = [[components objectAtIndex: 0] length] + [[components objectAtIndex: 1] length] + [[components objectAtIndex: 2] length] + [[components objectAtIndex: 3] length] + [[components objectAtIndex: 4] length] + 6; users = [[line substringWithRange: of_range(pos, [line length] - pos)] componentsSeparatedByString: @" "]; enumerator = [users objectEnumerator]; while ((user = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { if ([user hasPrefix: @"@"] || [user hasPrefix: @"+"] || [user hasPrefix: @"%"] || [user hasPrefix: @"*"]) user = [user substringWithRange: of_range(1, [user length] - 1)]; [channel IRC_addUser: user]; } [delegate connection: self didReceiveNamesForChannel: channel]; return; } /* PART */ if ([action isEqual: @"PART"] && [components count] >= 3) { OFString *who = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; OFString *where = [components objectAtIndex: 2]; IRCUser *user; IRCChannel *channel; OFString *reason = nil; size_t pos = [who length] + 1 + [[components objectAtIndex: 1] length] + 1 + [where length]; who = [who substringWithRange: of_range(1, [who length] - 1)]; user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: who]; channel = [channels objectForKey: where]; if ([components count] > 3) reason = [line substringWithRange: of_range(pos + 2, [line length] - pos - 2)]; [channel IRC_removeUser: [user nickname]]; [delegate connection: self didSeeUser: user leaveChannel: channel withReason: reason]; return; } /* KICK */ if ([action isEqual: @"KICK"] && [components count] >= 4) { OFString *who = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; OFString *where = [components objectAtIndex: 2]; OFString *whom = [components objectAtIndex: 3]; IRCUser *user; IRCChannel *channel; OFString *reason = nil; size_t pos = [who length] + 1 + [[components objectAtIndex: 1] length] + 1 + [where length] + 1 + [whom length]; who = [who substringWithRange: of_range(1, [who length] - 1)]; user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: who]; channel = [channels objectForKey: where]; if ([components count] > 4) reason = [line substringWithRange: of_range(pos + 2, [line length] - pos - 2)]; [channel IRC_removeUser: [user nickname]]; [delegate connection: self didSeeUser: user kickUser: whom fromChannel: channel withReason: reason]; return; } /* QUIT */ if ([action isEqual: @"QUIT"] && [components count] >= 2) { OFString *who = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; IRCUser *user; OFString *reason = nil; size_t pos = [who length] + 1 + [[components objectAtIndex: 1] length]; OFEnumerator *enumerator; IRCChannel *channel; who = [who substringWithRange: of_range(1, [who length] - 1)]; user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: who]; if ([components count] > 2) reason = [line substringWithRange: of_range(pos + 2, [line length] - pos - 2)]; enumerator = [channels keyEnumerator]; while ((channel = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) [channel IRC_removeUser: [user nickname]]; [delegate connection: self didSeeUserQuit: user withReason: reason]; return; } /* NICK */ if ([action isEqual: @"NICK"] && [components count] == 3) { OFString *who = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; OFString *newNickname = [components objectAtIndex: 2]; IRCUser *user; OFEnumerator *enumerator; IRCChannel *channel; who = [who substringWithRange: of_range(1, [who length] - 1)]; newNickname = [newNickname substringWithRange: of_range(1, [newNickname length] - 1)]; user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: who]; if ([[user nickname] isEqual: nickname]) { [nickname release]; nickname = [[user nickname] copy]; } enumerator = [channels keyEnumerator]; while ((channel = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { if ([[channel users] containsObject: [user nickname]]) { [channel IRC_removeUser: [user nickname]]; [channel IRC_addUser: newNickname]; } } [delegate connection: self didSeeUser: user changeNicknameTo: newNickname]; return; } /* PRIVMSG */ if ([action isEqual: @"PRIVMSG"] && [components count] >= 4) { OFString *from = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; OFString *to = [components objectAtIndex: 2]; IRCUser *user; OFString *msg; size_t pos = [from length] + 1 + [[components objectAtIndex: 1] length] + 1 + [to length]; from = [from substringWithRange: of_range(1, [from length] - 1)]; msg = [line substringWithRange: of_range(pos + 2, [line length] - pos - 2)]; user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: from]; if (![to isEqual: nickname]) { IRCChannel *channel; channel = [channels objectForKey: to]; [delegate connection: self didReceiveMessage: msg fromUser: user inChannel: channel]; } else [delegate connection: self didReceivePrivateMessage: msg fromUser: user]; return; } /* NOTICE */ if ([action isEqual: @"NOTICE"] && [components count] >= 4) { OFString *from = [components objectAtIndex: 0]; OFString *to = [components objectAtIndex: 2]; IRCUser *user = nil; OFString *notice; size_t pos = [from length] + 1 + [[components objectAtIndex: 1] length] + 1 + [to length]; from = [from substringWithRange: of_range(1, [from length] - 1)]; notice = [line substringWithRange: of_range(pos + 2, [line length] - pos - 2)]; if (![from containsString: @"!"] || [to isEqual: @"*"]) { /* System message - ignore for now */ return; } user = [IRCUser IRCUserWithString: from]; if (![to isEqual: nickname]) { IRCChannel *channel; channel = [channels objectForKey: to]; [delegate connection: self didReceiveNotice: notice fromUser: user inChannel: channel]; } else [delegate connection: self didReceiveNotice: notice fromUser: user]; return; } } - (void)processLine: (OFString*)line { OFAutoreleasePool *pool = [[OFAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [self IRC_processLine: line]; [pool release]; } - (BOOL)connection: (OFTCPSocket*)connection didReceiveISO88591Line: (OFString*)line context: (id)context exception: (OFException*)exception { if (line != nil) { [self IRC_processLine: line]; [sock asyncReadLineWithTarget: self selector: @selector(connection: didReceiveLine:context: exception:) context: nil]; } return NO; } - (BOOL)connection: (OFTCPSocket*)connection didReceiveLine: (OFString*)line context: (id)context exception: (OFException*)exception { if (line != nil) { [self IRC_processLine: line]; return YES; } if ([exception isKindOfClass: [OFInvalidEncodingException class]]) [sock asyncReadLineWithEncoding: OF_STRING_ENCODING_ISO_8859_1 target: self selector: @selector(connection: didReceiveISO88591Line: context:exception:) context: nil]; return NO; } - (void)handleConnection { [sock asyncReadLineWithTarget: self selector: @selector(connection:didReceiveLine: context:exception:) context: nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [sock release]; [server release]; [nickname release]; [username release]; [realname release]; [channels release]; [super dealloc]; } @end @implementation OFObject (IRCConnectionDelegate) - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didReceiveLine: (OFString*)line { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didSendLine: (OFString*)line { } - (void)connectionWasEstablished: (IRCConnection*)connection { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didSeeUser: (IRCUser*)user joinChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didSeeUser: (IRCUser*)user leaveChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel withReason: (OFString*)reason { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didSeeUser: (IRCUser*)user changeNicknameTo: (OFString*)nickname { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didSeeUser: (IRCUser*)user kickUser: (OFString*)kickedUser fromChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel withReason: (OFString*)reason { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didSeeUserQuit: (IRCUser*)user withReason: (OFString*)reason { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didReceiveMessage: (OFString*)msg fromUser: (IRCUser*)user inChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didReceivePrivateMessage: (OFString*)msg fromUser: (IRCUser*)user { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didReceiveNotice: (OFString*)notice fromUser: (IRCUser*)user { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didReceiveNotice: (OFString*)notice fromUser: (IRCUser*)user inChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { } - (void)connection: (IRCConnection*)connection didReceiveNamesForChannel: (IRCChannel*)channel { } - (void)connectionWasClosed: (IRCConnection*)connection { } @end